Web application development was divided into silos such as front-end developer, server-side developer, and so on. Front-end developers concentrate on user interface elements and related programming, whereas server-side developers concentrate on writing code that runs on web and application servers. Now, the situation is changing as new disruptive technologies take the world by storm. As a result of the explosion of startups and micro-businesses, a diverse set of skills became necessary as a benchmark. Full stack web development is one of them. According to the trend, even though the demand for Data Scientists & Analysts, Big Data experts, and AI has increased over the last three years, it has not reached the same level as a full stack developer or full stack engineer.
Introduction HTML | HTML Basics |
HTML Elements | HTML5 Semantic |
HTML Attribute | HTML Headings |
HTML Paragraph | HTML Styles |
HTML Formatting | HTML Quotations |
HTML Computer Code | HTML Comments & Colors |
HTML CSS, Links and Images | HTML Lists |
HTML Blocks | HTML Classes |
HTML Layout | HTML Responsive |
HTML iframes | HTML Javascript |
HTML Head | HTML Charset and Forms |
Assignment |
Introduction CSS3 | CSS3 Syntax |
CSS3 How To | CSS3 Colors |
CSS3 Background | CSS3 Boarders |
CSS Padding | CSS Height/Width |
CSS3 Text | CSS3 Fonts |
CSS Links | CSS Table |
CSS Box Model | CSS Outline |
CSS Dispaly | CSS Max-width |
CSS Position | CSS Float |
CSS Inline-block | CSS Align |
CSS Combinators | CSS Media Quries |
CSS Responsive | CSS Assignment |
Introduction to JavaScript | JavaScript Language Basics |
JavaScript Objects | JavaScript Variable Scope |
JavaScript Strings | JavaScript Numbers |
JavaScript Math | JavaScript Arrays |
JavaScript Boolean | JavaScript Comparisons |
JavaScript Conditions | JavaScript Switch |
JavaScript Loops | JavaScript Type Conversion |
JavaScript Errors | JavaScript Strict Mode |
JavaScript Functions | JavaScript Objects |
JavaScript Forms | JavaScript HTML DOM |
JavaScript BOM | Assignment |
Introduction to Bootstrap | Bootstrap Basics |
Bootstrap Grids | Bootstrap Themes |
Bootstrap CSS | Bootstrap JS |
Assignment |
o JAVA Components o IDE installation o Variable o Operators and Control Strings o Data types(Primitive and Non Primitive) o Arrays o Strings o Control Statement |
o Class and Objects o Methods o Blocks o Constructor o Inheritance o Method Overloading/Method Overriding o Abstract class o Polymorphism o Encapsulation o Abstraction |
o In depth of String o In depth of Array o Exception Handling o File Programming |
o Overview of Database Driver Architecture o Introduction to JDBC Standard Extension API (javax.sql) o JDBC Programming with MYSQL. o JBDC Syntax • JDBC - Create Database • JDBC - Select Database • JDBC - Drop Database • JDBC - Create Tables • JDBC - Drop Tables • JDBC - Insert Records • JDBC - Select Records • JDBC - Update Records • JDBC - Delete Records • JDBC - WHERE Clause • JDBC - Like Clause • JDBC - Sorting Data |
o JSP - Syntax o JSP - Directives o JSP - Actions o JSP - Implicit Objects o JSP - Client Request o JSP - Server Response o JSP - Http Status Codes o JSP - Form Processing o JSP - Writing Filters o JSP - Cookies Handling o JSP - Session Tracking o JSP - File Uploading o JSP - Handling Date o JSP - Page Redirect o JSP - Hits Counter o JSP - Auto Refresh o JSP - Sending Email |
o Introduction to Spring Concepts o What is the use of spring over advanced Java. o Introduction to Hibernate. o What is the use of Hibernate as compared to JDBC. o Spring Boot Vs Spring. o Spring REST API's o Spring Libraries o MVC Model Concepts o Spring With OOPS Concept o Postman API Installation |
The CEH course will teach you the most up-to-date commercial-grade hacking tools, techniques, and methodologies used by hackers and information security professionals to lawfully hack an organization.
See MoreThe Linux Professional Institute is a non-profit organization based in Canada that was founded on October 25, 1999 to provide certifications for Linux, BSD, and open source software-based technologies.